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Tri-States Amateur Radio Club
Home > Parks on the Air > 2022
POTA - 20221110 - We activated Harrison Bay SP Tennessee K-2951 Thursday. Tony WA4TW had 22 contacts on 20 meters with 6 P2P’s. Allen KN4FKS worked 40 meters after lunch with 32 contacts and 2 P2P’s. Ed KM6UTC worked digital on several bands and had 44 contacts with 4 P2P’s. Peter using CW on several bands had 44 contacts with 4 P2P and 8 DX contacts in Europe. Tony and Allen made one contact over a ‘long’ distance. We made contact with a ham across the lake from us on 2m and 40m.

POTA - 20221110 - We activated Harrison Bay SP Tennessee K-2951 Thursday. Tony WA4TW had 22 contacts on 20 meters with 6 P2P’s. Allen KN4FKS worked 40 meters after lunch with 32 contacts and 2 P2P’s. Ed KM6UTC worked digital on several bands and had 44 contacts with 4 P2P’s. Peter using CW on several bands had 44 contacts with 4 P2P and 8 DX contacts in Europe. Tony and Allen made one contact over a ‘long’ distance. We made contact with a ham across the lake from us on 2m and 40m.

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