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Tri-States Amateur Radio Club
Home > Parks on the Air > 2023
POTA 2023-04-13.  Chief Vann House Historic Site K-7457 we had a great activation before the rain started.

Tony WA4TW and Danny AD4DW spotted and logged for Allen KN4FKS. Ed KM6UTC played digital with his loop antenna and had 62 contacts with 3 DX contacts (Italy, Ukraine, Canada) Allen KN4FKS had 49 SSB phone contacts with 14 P2P contacts and 3 DX ( Russia, and 2 Canadians)  The park manager Irina Garner (who is a licensed HAM) stopped by and visited, We also had a park visitor from Germany stop by and inquire about the radio stuff. 

The Vann House is a very interesting historic site. Take time to visit the museum and then tour the house and surrounding period buildings.

POTA 2023-04-13. Chief Vann House Historic Site K-7457 we had a great activation before the rain started.

Tony WA4TW and Danny AD4DW spotted and logged for Allen KN4FKS. Ed KM6UTC played digital with his loop antenna and had 62 contacts with 3 DX contacts (Italy, Ukraine, Canada) Allen KN4FKS had 49 SSB phone contacts with 14 P2P contacts and 3 DX ( Russia, and 2 Canadians) The park manager Irina Garner (who is a licensed HAM) stopped by and visited, We also had a park visitor from Germany stop by and inquire about the radio stuff.

The Vann House is a very interesting historic site. Take time to visit the museum and then tour the house and surrounding period buildings.

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