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Tri-States Amateur Radio Club
Home > Parks on the Air > 2023
We headed south on Thursday November 16 to JF 'Sloppy' Floyd State Park K-2187 just below Summerville GA.  This quiet park offers several excellent places to set up radios and antennas for POTA.

We activated near the dam of the lower park lake at the end of the road.  We set up the ICOM 706 MK II G 100 watt radio and used an end fed half wave wire rigged as a sloper.  Allen, KN4FKS, talked  and Danny AG4DW handled logging duties.

We were chasing parks and making several contacts when we heard a helicopter getting near.  It kept getting closer, passed over us about 50 feet above the trees and proceeded to land on the dam of the lake in front of us.  We kinda stopped playing radio and went to chat with the crew after they had shut down completely and were ok with us approaching.  They were a US Forest Service contract fire suppression crew standing by for possible call to two nearby forest fires on National Forest land. Their support crew , their fuel tanker and a Forest Service official joined them on the dam.

We went back to our radio after all the excitement.  Allen made 36 contacts 18 park to parks with 6 DX stations 1 Canadian, 2 from Spain and 2 from Italy.  After lunch Danny AG4DW took over the mic and made 24 contacts all park to park. John KB4QXI showed up after lunch and used his Yaesu 891 and a Hamstick to make 62 contacts 14 park to park and 6 Canadian contacts. 

Another fun day in the woods.

We headed south on Thursday November 16 to JF 'Sloppy' Floyd State Park K-2187 just below Summerville GA. This quiet park offers several excellent places to set up radios and antennas for POTA.

We activated near the dam of the lower park lake at the end of the road. We set up the ICOM 706 MK II G 100 watt radio and used an end fed half wave wire rigged as a sloper. Allen, KN4FKS, talked and Danny AG4DW handled logging duties.

We were chasing parks and making several contacts when we heard a helicopter getting near. It kept getting closer, passed over us about 50 feet above the trees and proceeded to land on the dam of the lake in front of us. We kinda stopped playing radio and went to chat with the crew after they had shut down completely and were ok with us approaching. They were a US Forest Service contract fire suppression crew standing by for possible call to two nearby forest fires on National Forest land. Their support crew , their fuel tanker and a Forest Service official joined them on the dam.

We went back to our radio after all the excitement. Allen made 36 contacts 18 park to parks with 6 DX stations 1 Canadian, 2 from Spain and 2 from Italy. After lunch Danny AG4DW took over the mic and made 24 contacts all park to park. John KB4QXI showed up after lunch and used his Yaesu 891 and a Hamstick to make 62 contacts 14 park to park and 6 Canadian contacts.

Another fun day in the woods.

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