
POTA 2022-07-28, Cloudland Canyon State Park K-216922 viewsAllen KN4FKS had 25 contacts on 40 meters with 9 Park to Park contacts. John KB4QXI had 64 contacts on 20 meters with 9 P2P’s. He had 3 DX contacts, Chile, Alaska, and Canada. He also was hunted by W1AW the ARRL HQ station. Ed KM6UTC activated for the first time and had 12 contacts on 40 m with 1 P2P. Welcome to the dark side… Matt AB4MH had about 30 contacts on 40 meters before a storm came up and prompted an early QRT.

17 viewsKB4QXI - Hollow Top Airstrip POTA site log first activation finally posted after a week of submitting! This site is in a very remote area of SE Idaho. I activated on several of these remote airstrips. Someone beat me at a couple of them as first time activator.
There several close encounters of the bovine type and one of the sheep. I even met a guy at the second one I visited as he landed his 1954 Cessna 170 there. Beautiful airplane with a STOL kit.
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