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POTA 2022-07-28, Cloudland Canyon State Park K-216924 viewsAllen KN4FKS had 25 contacts on 40 meters with 9 Park to Park contacts. John KB4QXI had 64 contacts on 20 meters with 9 P2P’s. He had 3 DX contacts, Chile, Alaska, and Canada. He also was hunted by W1AW the ARRL HQ station. Ed KM6UTC activated for the first time and had 12 contacts on 40 m with 1 P2P. Welcome to the dark side… Matt AB4MH had about 30 contacts on 40 meters before a storm came up and prompted an early QRT.

POTA 2022-07-28, Cloudland Canyon State Park K-216924 viewsAllen KN4FKS had 25 contacts on 40 meters with 9 Park to Park contacts. John KB4QXI had 64 contacts on 20 meters with 9 P2P’s. He had 3 DX contacts, Chile, Alaska, and Canada. He also was hunted by W1AW the ARRL HQ station. Ed KM6UTC activated for the first time and had 12 contacts on 40 m with 1 P2P. Welcome to the dark side… Matt AB4MH had about 30 contacts on 40 meters before a storm came up and prompted an early QRT.

POTA 2022-07-21, Desoto State Park K-1039 in Alabama22 viewsPOTA this week was to Desoto State Park K-1039 in Alabama. We set up in the recently renovated picnic area in the Desoto Falls portion of the park. The falls just below our operating position is right at 100 feet tall. This time of year the water flow is low but it is still impressive. We had many interested park visitors come by and Karen assisted one curious young man in making three contacts around the country. The 40 meter band was hopeless so we took turns on 20 meters.

POTA 2022-07-28, Cloudland Canyon State Park K-216922 viewsAllen KN4FKS had 25 contacts on 40 meters with 9 Park to Park contacts. John KB4QXI had 64 contacts on 20 meters with 9 P2P’s. He had 3 DX contacts, Chile, Alaska, and Canada. He also was hunted by W1AW the ARRL HQ station. Ed KM6UTC activated for the first time and had 12 contacts on 40 m with 1 P2P. Welcome to the dark side… Matt AB4MH had about 30 contacts on 40 meters before a storm came up and prompted an early QRT.

POTA 2022-07-21, Desoto State Park K-1039 in Alabama21 viewsPOTA this week was to Desoto State Park K-1039 in Alabama. We set up in the recently renovated picnic area in the Desoto Falls portion of the park. The falls just below our operating position is right at 100 feet tall. This time of year the water flow is low but it is still impressive. We had many interested park visitors come by and Karen assisted one curious young man in making three contacts around the country. The 40 meter band was hopeless so we took turns on 20 meters.

21 viewsActivated K-6267 Sequatchie Cave State Natural Area. Some kind folks spotted me on 20 meters as the cell service is very dismal as soon as you leave Hwy 28! I had 86 CW contacts and one SSB (my first spotter) 2 DX (Hungary and PR), 4 Canadians and 4 P2P. Propagation, I would say, was excellent, considering the location.

21 viewsPOTA - 20021027 - What a great activation! Ham radio, picnic, friends, and sunset, nothing better.
Allen KN4FKS was on 17 meters SSB and had 36 contacts with 4P2P, and 4DX. John KB4QXI had quite a run on 40 meters with 102 contacts and 8 P2P. He was still busy when he went QRT for supper. Peter KX4BE was on 20 meters CW and had 68 contacts, 4 P2P, and 3 DX. Karen KX4KM had 31 contacts on 20 meter SSB with 8 P2P. Ed KM6UTC worked digital QRP on 30 meters and had 19 contacts with 1 P2P and 1 DX

20 viewsWe activated Cloudland Canyon State Park K-2169 at the Nickajack Trailhead on 3-11-2022. Peter had some antenna gremlins but still made 71 CW contacts on 20 and 30 meters with 4 DX contacts and one P2P. John had 37 contacts on 20 meters SSB with 5 P2P and had to shut down early with logging computer issues. Tony went first on 40 meters SSB, ran a pile up for over an hour and logged 89 contacts with 4 P2P. Allen got on 40 meters after lunch and made 45 contacts with 3 P2P.

20 viewsWe activated Chickamauga National Battlefield today, K-0716 Georgia. Made 70 contacts on 20 meters with 9 P2P and 5 DX contacts. One of the contacts actually had ancestor who fought in the battle fairly near where we were operating from. I stopped at lunch and then Tony WA4TW took over operating and cranked up on 40 meters He made 18 contacts with 5 P2P. The band came back then after a few minutes faded away again then came back. We checked and North America was center of large solar flare hit.

POTA 2022-07-21, Desoto State Park K-1039 in Alabama20 viewsPOTA this week was to Desoto State Park K-1039 in Alabama. We set up in the recently renovated picnic area in the Desoto Falls portion of the park. The falls just below our operating position is right at 100 feet tall. This time of year the water flow is low but it is still impressive. We had many interested park visitors come by and Karen assisted one curious young man in making three contacts around the country. The 40 meter band was hopeless so we took turns on 20 meters.

POTA 2022-07-21, Desoto State Park K-1039 in Alabama20 viewsPOTA this week was to Desoto State Park K-1039 in Alabama. We set up in the recently renovated picnic area in the Desoto Falls portion of the park. The falls just below our operating position is right at 100 feet tall. This time of year the water flow is low but it is still impressive. We had many interested park visitors come by and Karen assisted one curious young man in making three contacts around the country. The 40 meter band was hopeless so we took turns on 20 meters.

20 viewsPOTA - 2022-09-29 - Prentice-Cooper State Forest TN K-5499 was the destination yesterday. At the far end of Tower Road is a cliff top site overlooking the Tennessee River Gorge. Ed ran FT8 using his Mag-Loop antenna, Peter used his end fed wire to work CW, and Allen hung his wire EFHW and worked SSB. Allen Had 41 contacts with 10 P2P contacts. Peter had 55 contacts with 4 P2P and Ed had 35 contacts with 1 P2P. Great day, beautiful day, great view, and great friends.
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