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Most viewed - 2022
11 viewsPOTA - 20221110 - We activated Harrison Bay SP Tennessee K-2951 Thursday. Tony WA4TW had 22 contacts on 20 meters with 6 P2P’s. Allen KN4FKS worked 40 meters after lunch with 32 contacts and 2 P2P’s. Ed KM6UTC worked digital on several bands and had 44 contacts with 4 P2P’s. Peter using CW on several bands had 44 contacts with 4 P2P and 8 DX contacts in Europe. Tony and Allen made one contact over a ‘long’ distance. We made contact with a ham across the lake from us on 2m and 40m.
10 viewsPOTA - Otting WMA K-7913 - 01-27-2022
10 viewsWe activated Chickamauga National Battlefield today, K-0716 Georgia. Made 70 contacts on 20 meters with 9 P2P and 5 DX contacts. One of the contacts actually had ancestor who fought in the battle fairly near where we were operating from. I stopped at lunch and then Tony WA4TW took over operating and cranked up on 40 meters He made 18 contacts with 5 P2P. The band came back then after a few minutes faded away again then came back. We checked and North America was center of large solar flare hit.
10 viewsWe activated Chickamauga National Battlefield today, K-0716 Georgia. Made 70 contacts on 20 meters with 9 P2P and 5 DX contacts. One of the contacts actually had ancestor who fought in the battle fairly near where we were operating from. I stopped at lunch and then Tony WA4TW took over operating and cranked up on 40 meters He made 18 contacts with 5 P2P. The band came back then after a few minutes faded away again then came back. We checked and North America was center of large solar flare hit.
10 viewsJ. Floyd State Park K-2187 on 04-27-2022. We set up down by the dam of the lower lake. John KB4QXI worked 20 meters with a ham stick on the roof of his car and made 60 contacts, 4 P2P, 6 Canadians and Spain. Tony WA4TW went first on 40 meters using the End Fed Half Wave wire rigged as a sloper fed from the bottom. He made 60 contacts before lunch. After lunch Allen KN4FKS took over the microphone and Tony logged. Allen made 42 contacts with 2 P2P before the battery was almost gone at 7% remaining.
10 viewsJohns Mountain WMA K-3758 4-28-2022. It was a beautiful blue sky spring day. John KB4QXI even showed up on his 3 wheel bike with a trailer hauling his ham gear. Allen KN4FKS had 25 contacts with 3 P2P and one Saskatchewan Canada DX on 20 meters before lunch. Then Tony WA4TW hopped over to 40 meters and cranked out 31 contacts with 4 P2P. After that John KB4QXI got on 40 and got 18 contacts with 3 P2P. In the mean time Peter KX4BE worked CW on both 40 and 20 and grabbed 79 contacts, 5 P2P, and 3 DX.
10 viewsJohns Mountain WMA K-3758 4-28-2022. It was a beautiful blue sky spring day. John KB4QXI even showed up on his 3 wheel bike with a trailer hauling his ham gear. Allen KN4FKS had 25 contacts with 3 P2P and one Saskatchewan Canada DX on 20 meters before lunch. Then Tony WA4TW hopped over to 40 meters and cranked out 31 contacts with 4 P2P. After that John KB4QXI got on 40 and got 18 contacts with 3 P2P. In the mean time Peter KX4BE worked CW on both 40 and 20 and grabbed 79 contacts, 5 P2P, and 3 DX.
10 viewsWe were a little late getting on the air today at Crockford-Pigeon Mtn. WMA K-3742. As we were getting set up John KB4QXI called and advised he was stuck in a ditch. POTA is always fun! Tony WA4TW had 52 contacts on 20 meters with 13 P2P and 1 DX (Spain), Peter KX4BE had 87 contacts using CW with 2 P2P, Allen KN4FKS followed Tony on 20 meters and had 27 contacts with 2 P2P and 1 DX (Spain), John KB3QXI had 13 contacts on 40 meters.
10 viewsWe were a little late getting on the air today at Crockford-Pigeon Mtn. WMA K-3742. As we were getting set up John KB4QXI called and advised he was stuck in a ditch. POTA is always fun! Tony WA4TW had 52 contacts on 20 meters with 13 P2P and 1 DX (Spain), Peter KX4BE had 87 contacts using CW with 2 P2P, Allen KN4FKS followed Tony on 20 meters and had 27 contacts with 2 P2P and 1 DX (Spain), John KB3QXI had 13 contacts on 40 meters.
10 viewsWe were a little late getting on the air today at Crockford-Pigeon Mtn. WMA K-3742. As we were getting set up John KB4QXI called and advised he was stuck in a ditch. POTA is always fun! Tony WA4TW had 52 contacts on 20 meters with 13 P2P and 1 DX (Spain), Peter KX4BE had 87 contacts using CW with 2 P2P, Allen KN4FKS followed Tony on 20 meters and had 27 contacts with 2 P2P and 1 DX (Spain), John KB3QXI had 13 contacts on 40 meters.
10 viewsPOTA - 2022-08-04 -Our POTA activation today was at J. Floyd State Park near Summerville GA. John KB4QXI made 79 contacts on 40 meters. Tony WA4TW made 27 contacts with 7 P2P on 20 meters. Peter KX4BE made 53 contacts with 1 P2P on 30 meters CW. The assistant Park Manager Hope Cates came by and was very interested in our activation and visited for a while. Her father was a ham years ago so she remembered ham radio fondly. We had to quit early today as a thunderstorm came up from the south.
10 viewsPOTA - 2022-09-16 - With the crew scattered to the winds this week there was still POTA activity to be done.
Allen activated Chattahoochee WMA K-7447 and Hardman Farm SP K-3718. Peter activated Fort Mtn. SP K-2176, John activated Berry College WMA K-3734 and Tony activated Pigeon Mtn. WMA K-3742.
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