Tri-States Amateur Radio Club Photo Gallery

Tri-States Amateur Radio Club
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12 viewsPOTA 2023-04-13. Chief Vann House Historic Site K-7457 we had a great activation before the rain started.

Tony WA4TW and Danny AD4DW spotted and logged for Allen KN4FKS. Ed KM6UTC played digital with his loop antenna and had 62 contacts with 3 DX contacts (Italy, Ukraine, Canada) Allen KN4FKS had 49 SSB phone contacts with 14 P2P contacts and 3 DX ( Russia, and 2 Canadians) The park manager Irina Garner (who is a licensed HAM) stopped by and visited, We also had a park visitor from Germany stop by and inquire about the radio stuff.

The Vann House is a very interesting historic site. Take time to visit the museum and then tour the house and surrounding period buildings.
12 views2023-05-03 - For POTA this week we activated Johns Mtn. WMA K-3758 today from the Johns Mountain Overlook site. This spot is off Pocket Road in Vilanow, 2 miles up a gravel forest service road to the parking lot with an amazing view to the West. On a clear day you can see into Alabama and Tennessee from there.

Getting set up first involves throwing a line into a nearby tree to hoist one end of a simple end fed Half Wave antenna. Then set up the portable station, today it was my old ICOM IC-706 MkII G with a MFJ tuner running off a 15 Amp hour Goal Zero battery. For log keeping I use a really cheap Walmart computer running N3FJP software. Today Tony WA4TW ran the log and I did the calling. The goal today was to get 57 contacts to get my POTA KILO award for making 1,000 contacts from a single park.

I got 66 contacts so the Kilo was made! After a long lunch sitting in the sun Tony got on the air and made a quick 12 contacts with 9 Park to Park contacts. John KB4QXI showed up late and used his Hamstick antenna on top of the car to get his activation in. It was a windy day at the overlook and band noise was rough on 20 meters but everything worked out for a fun day.
12 views2023-05-03 - For POTA this week we activated Johns Mtn. WMA K-3758 today from the Johns Mountain Overlook site. This spot is off Pocket Road in Vilanow, 2 miles up a gravel forest service road to the parking lot with an amazing view to the West. On a clear day you can see into Alabama and Tennessee from there.

Getting set up first involves throwing a line into a nearby tree to hoist one end of a simple end fed Half Wave antenna. Then set up the portable station, today it was my old ICOM IC-706 MkII G with a MFJ tuner running off a 15 Amp hour Goal Zero battery. For log keeping I use a really cheap Walmart computer running N3FJP software. Today Tony WA4TW ran the log and I did the calling. The goal today was to get 57 contacts to get my POTA KILO award for making 1,000 contacts from a single park.

I got 66 contacts so the Kilo was made! After a long lunch sitting in the sun Tony got on the air and made a quick 12 contacts with 9 Park to Park contacts. John KB4QXI showed up late and used his Hamstick antenna on top of the car to get his activation in. It was a windy day at the overlook and band noise was rough on 20 meters but everything worked out for a fun day.
12 viewsOn late Monday afternoon (Oct 23, 2023) we gathered at the Johns Mountain WMA (K-3758) overlook to activate the park, cook a hotdog and watch the sunset. All three objectives were met. We set up three stations and played radio! Danny AG4DW made 43 SSB contacts with 3 P2P, 2 Alaska and one Venezuela mostly on 15 meters. John KB4QXI made 61 contacts with 9 P2P, 5 Canadian contacts plus one North Africa and one Venezuela mostly on 20 meters. Peter KX4BE made 20 contacts on CW with one FM contact for DX he had 2 Japan and one Chile. Allen KN4FKS had 12 contacts with 5 FM contacts on 70 cm. The other 7 were on 40 meters.

As it got close to sundown at about 7 pm we took a break for supper and to watch the sunset from the overlook. We had hotdogs with the fixins cooked over charcoal, chips, macaroni salad, and smores for desert. There was supposed to be another desert cooked over the fire but someone (Karen KX4KM) forgot the essential ingredient, butter. We were assisted by our mascot dog I4ZZY.

The sunset was spectacular and the company was the best. Thanks to all the hunters who make our fun possible.
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