Tri-States Amateur Radio Club Photo Gallery

Tri-States Amateur Radio Club
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1 viewsOn Saturday, while a few were invited to spend time with the Ramblers, another crew of POTA operators went off to the Cherokee National Forest to activate.

This was made possible by a very cordial invitation by the Cleveland Ham Radio group and coordinated by Larry Wallace KN4JUU. Their club has a repeater at the top of Oswald Dome at an elevation of 3000’.

The drive up took us into the clouds/dense fog, where the taillights of the vehicle ahead were barely visible. My Land Rover has rear end fog lights from the factory I thought I’d never use… well they got turned on for this.

The road itself was not as in a poor condition as some may remember when heading to the Bat Cave . But it most certainly was much longer.

We arrived and set up with a variety of different radios and antennas. From that elevation even some 2m DX was easily possible.

The highlight of the day was lunch being cooked by our own Chef Boy R Jeff N2YYP. He had made up some Deer burgers the day before. Dangerous stuff! So good a person wanted to just keep eating them. Fortunately self control managed to prevail. Jeff I believe has been elected as the ‘official cook/chef’ for future adventures. I should mention there were dogs and sausages for those who didn’t want any Bambi. And also , Jeff brought some of his award winning Chow Chow. Stuff goes good on just about everything imo

Anyway, I digress. Activations went very well. What a wonderful locale to activate. Afterwards the fog had burned off, and the trip back down was simply Gorgeous! Vistas popped as we traveled down that were picture card perfect.

If the Cleveland crew ever offer the opportunity to go to their site again, I’d strongly encourage folk to take them up on it
1 viewsOn Saturday, while a few were invited to spend time with the Ramblers, another crew of POTA operators went off to the Cherokee National Forest to activate.

This was made possible by a very cordial invitation by the Cleveland Ham Radio group and coordinated by Larry Wallace KN4JUU. Their club has a repeater at the top of Oswald Dome at an elevation of 3000’.

The drive up took us into the clouds/dense fog, where the taillights of the vehicle ahead were barely visible. My Land Rover has rear end fog lights from the factory I thought I’d never use… well they got turned on for this.

The road itself was not as in a poor condition as some may remember when heading to the Bat Cave . But it most certainly was much longer.

We arrived and set up with a variety of different radios and antennas. From that elevation even some 2m DX was easily possible.

The highlight of the day was lunch being cooked by our own Chef Boy R Jeff N2YYP. He had made up some Deer burgers the day before. Dangerous stuff! So good a person wanted to just keep eating them. Fortunately self control managed to prevail. Jeff I believe has been elected as the ‘official cook/chef’ for future adventures. I should mention there were dogs and sausages for those who didn’t want any Bambi. And also , Jeff brought some of his award winning Chow Chow. Stuff goes good on just about everything imo

Anyway, I digress. Activations went very well. What a wonderful locale to activate. Afterwards the fog had burned off, and the trip back down was simply Gorgeous! Vistas popped as we traveled down that were picture card perfect.

If the Cleveland crew ever offer the opportunity to go to their site again, I’d strongly encourage folk to take them up on it
1 viewsThe Rambler Radio Club W4LMS activated Cloudland Canyon State Park US-2169 today from the park interpretive center.

We set up two stations, one on 40 meters and one on 20 meters. Band conditions were tough with a solar storm arriving this morning. In spite of everything the 40 meter station made 36 contacts with 20 P2P and no DX with kids as operators and Danny AG4DW as the Elmer. The 20 meter station made ??? contacts with ??? P2P and ??? DX.

With Jody W4LWC as Elmer. Allen KN4FKS acted as the visitor welcoming person answering questions and handing out HAM radio information. The park was very busy today and the parking lot stayed full all day with a steady stream of folks coming into the interpretive center. Several licensed hams dropped in and several prospective Hams were helped along the way.

Matt AF4MH came by as did John KB4QXI. John visited a bit then went up the hill to our usual POTA site and made 21 Contacts on 20 meters with 15 P2P and 2 Canadian parks contacted.

The bear wanted to work some DX but we were trying to make P2P contacts so he just stood quietly in the corner.
1 viewsFrom deep in the woods we sent out radio waves. This week we activated Pigeon Mountain US-3742 from the Atwood point site. No pile ups for us, band conditions were 'wonky' to say the least.

Danny AG4DW used FT8 digital and made 43 contacts, with DX to Cuba. Spain, and Isle of Man. Tony WA4TW made 21 SSB contacts with 11 P2P and DX to Saint Petersburg Russia and Canada. Allen KN4FKS had 12 SSB contacts with DX to Switzerland and Slovenia. He also contacted the Battleship IOWA NI6BB. in California.
Tony's son Jerrick joined us for part of the morning.

John KB4QXI activated a park in Arizona that day also. Allen and Danny were able to make contact later that day so it was not a P2P but fun anyhow.
1 viewsFrom deep in the woods we sent out radio waves. This week we activated Pigeon Mountain US-3742 from the Atwood point site. No pile ups for us, band conditions were 'wonky' to say the least.

Danny AG4DW used FT8 digital and made 43 contacts, with DX to Cuba. Spain, and Isle of Man. Tony WA4TW made 21 SSB contacts with 11 P2P and DX to Saint Petersburg Russia and Canada. Allen KN4FKS had 12 SSB contacts with DX to Switzerland and Slovenia. He also contacted the Battleship IOWA NI6BB. in California.
Tony's son Jerrick joined us for part of the morning.

John KB4QXI activated a park in Arizona that day also. Allen and Danny were able to make contact later that day so it was not a P2P but fun anyhow.
1 viewsFrom deep in the woods we sent out radio waves. This week we activated Pigeon Mountain US-3742 from the Atwood point site. No pile ups for us, band conditions were 'wonky' to say the least.

Danny AG4DW used FT8 digital and made 43 contacts, with DX to Cuba. Spain, and Isle of Man. Tony WA4TW made 21 SSB contacts with 11 P2P and DX to Saint Petersburg Russia and Canada. Allen KN4FKS had 12 SSB contacts with DX to Switzerland and Slovenia. He also contacted the Battleship IOWA NI6BB. in California.
Tony's son Jerrick joined us for part of the morning.

John KB4QXI activated a park in Arizona that day also. Allen and Danny were able to make contact later that day so it was not a P2P but fun anyhow.
1 viewsWe activated Chickamauga Battlefield US-0716 Friday June 7 from the usual picnic area site.

Ed KM6UTC had 75 FT8 digital contacts Danny AG4DW had 26 digital contacts on 15 meters with several DX contacts, Cuba, France, Italy, Russia, Poland and 2 from Puerto Rico. Jeff N2YYP used his trusty slingshot and put his 135 foot long end fed vertical in a tall pine tree. He had 18 SSB contacts with 7 P2P contacts. Allen had 20 contacts on 20 meters SSB with 6 P2P contacts. Dan K2DTS worked FT8 digital for his activation.

John KB4QXI arrived late and just enjoyed keeping Karen KX4KM company. We all had a fun day in the park and enjoyed the paint fumes from the crew painting parking place lines on one half of the small parking lot.
1 viewsWe activated Johns Mountain WMA US-3758 this Thursday from the overlook site on top of the mountain. The breeze kept up so the day didn't get too hot. Allen KN4FKS had 61 SSB contacts on 20 meters, 14 P2P and 6 DX with one P2P to the Dominican Republic and 5 Canadian stations. Ed KM6UTC had 58 digital FT8 contacts with 9 DX contacts and three contacts in a row to Indonesia. John KB4QXI had 11 contacts with 1 P2P. Danny had 16 contacts on 2 meters, 70 cm, 20 Meters and 15 meters. He had a DX SSB contact with Saint Petersburg Russia.

As usual at the overlook we had several visitors. First was the US Forest Service radio service technician checking on their repeater site 100 yards from the parking lot. They had erected a chain link fence around the tower and repeater house to hopefully slow down the copper thieves who steal the grounding wires from the tower legs and the radio equipment. Sad but true. We also had a Pinhoti Trail long distance hiker stop by and we helped him resupply his water bottles. ( He's in the background of one of the photos.) As we were getting ready to leave and elderly gentleman drove up and he was actually a HAM operator from the Villanow area. I didn't get his call sign but we had a nice chat.

Then even the drive home was eventful. Danny's truck kept overheating and he had to stop and cool down several times to limp home. Probably a water pump issue. Allen got within a mile of home and Winston just sputtered and quit running. It wasn't the heat it simply is not getting spark for some reason. Karen came and towed Winston home. Sort that out later when it cools off a bit. I hope Ed and John made it home without incident there seems to be a trend starting here. I hope not.
1 viewsWe activated Johns Mountain WMA US-3758 this Thursday from the overlook site on top of the mountain. The breeze kept up so the day didn't get too hot. Allen KN4FKS had 61 SSB contacts on 20 meters, 14 P2P and 6 DX with one P2P to the Dominican Republic and 5 Canadian stations. Ed KM6UTC had 58 digital FT8 contacts with 9 DX contacts and three contacts in a row to Indonesia. John KB4QXI had 11 contacts with 1 P2P. Danny had 16 contacts on 2 meters, 70 cm, 20 Meters and 15 meters. He had a DX SSB contact with Saint Petersburg Russia.

As usual at the overlook we had several visitors. First was the US Forest Service radio service technician checking on their repeater site 100 yards from the parking lot. They had erected a chain link fence around the tower and repeater house to hopefully slow down the copper thieves who steal the grounding wires from the tower legs and the radio equipment. Sad but true. We also had a Pinhoti Trail long distance hiker stop by and we helped him resupply his water bottles. ( He's in the background of one of the photos.) As we were getting ready to leave and elderly gentleman drove up and he was actually a HAM operator from the Villanow area. I didn't get his call sign but we had a nice chat.

Then even the drive home was eventful. Danny's truck kept overheating and he had to stop and cool down several times to limp home. Probably a water pump issue. Allen got within a mile of home and Winston just sputtered and quit running. It wasn't the heat it simply is not getting spark for some reason. Karen came and towed Winston home. Sort that out later when it cools off a bit. I hope Ed and John made it home without incident there seems to be a trend starting here. I hope not.
1 viewsWe activated Johns Mountain WMA US-3758 this Thursday from the overlook site on top of the mountain. The breeze kept up so the day didn't get too hot. Allen KN4FKS had 61 SSB contacts on 20 meters, 14 P2P and 6 DX with one P2P to the Dominican Republic and 5 Canadian stations. Ed KM6UTC had 58 digital FT8 contacts with 9 DX contacts and three contacts in a row to Indonesia. John KB4QXI had 11 contacts with 1 P2P. Danny had 16 contacts on 2 meters, 70 cm, 20 Meters and 15 meters. He had a DX SSB contact with Saint Petersburg Russia.

As usual at the overlook we had several visitors. First was the US Forest Service radio service technician checking on their repeater site 100 yards from the parking lot. They had erected a chain link fence around the tower and repeater house to hopefully slow down the copper thieves who steal the grounding wires from the tower legs and the radio equipment. Sad but true. We also had a Pinhoti Trail long distance hiker stop by and we helped him resupply his water bottles. ( He's in the background of one of the photos.) As we were getting ready to leave and elderly gentleman drove up and he was actually a HAM operator from the Villanow area. I didn't get his call sign but we had a nice chat.

Then even the drive home was eventful. Danny's truck kept overheating and he had to stop and cool down several times to limp home. Probably a water pump issue. Allen got within a mile of home and Winston just sputtered and quit running. It wasn't the heat it simply is not getting spark for some reason. Karen came and towed Winston home. Sort that out later when it cools off a bit. I hope Ed and John made it home without incident there seems to be a trend starting here. I hope not.
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