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3 viewsWe activated Pigeon Mountain US 3742 this Thursday at the South Brow Road site. There was abundant shade and a cooling breeze all day so it was a wise choice for a hot summer day.
Jeff N2YYP set up his rig way down an old roadbed away from the parking area. Something about sausages and gas. He made 41 SSB contacts on 20 meters with 7 P2P and 6 DX contacts.
Allen KN4FKS worked 15 meters SSB and made 33 contacts 4 P2P and 6 DX. Germany, Hungary, Cayman Islands, Puerto Rico and 2 Canadians.
Ed KM6UTC worked FT8 on 10 and 20 meters with 89 contacts and 12 DX.
John KB4QXI worked 40 meters SSB off his hamstick and made 12 contacts with 3 P2P.
Peter had tweaked his back so he didn't brave the pothole filled road but made the trip up to Grundy Forest Natural Area in Tracy City where he used CW to make 8 QRP contacts and 11 non QRP contacts for a total of 19 contacts.
A fun day was had by all.
3 viewsWe activated Chickamauga Battlefield US-0716 this Thursday September 19 which was special as it was the 161st anniversary of the battle.
The picnic area where we activated was the hotly contested battle line on the afternoon of the 19th and saw battle into the night. The Ohio artillery and the Indiana infantry held the Federal line here and attacked from here just before dark. It is a very special place to all of us.
Jeff N2YYP had a Great Great Grandfather who was a soldier with the Georgia Infantry severely wounded during this battle on the 18th near Lee and Gordon Mill and he suffered for a few days and then passed away.
Allen KN4FKS made 16 contacts on several of the odd bands. Lots of time spent calling CQ POTA. 3 on 17m, 2 on 10, and 3 on 12m, finishing out with 8 on 20 meters. He had 1 DX to France on 12 meters.
Ed KM6UTC had 75 digital contacts on 15,17,20 and 30 meters with 9 DX contacts. John KB4QXI had 19 contacts after lunch on 20 meters with 11 P2P and 2 Canadian parks in that total.
Thanks to all the other hams who came by to lend support and share our special day!
3 viewsWe had a two site activation on this past Thursday.
In the Morning several folks activated Pigeon Mountain US 37-42 from the Estelle mine road site. Then later another group activated Johns Mountain US-3758 from the overlook site. At the Estelle site Tony WA4TW set up his elevated delta loop antenna and had quite a morning working DX with 17 total contacts with 11 Park to Park contacts. His DX was Ukraine, Norway, Israel, Belarus, and Alaska. Dave KQ4GLQ also worked 10 meters but I don't know his contacts nor did Jeff N2YYP report in his totals.
In the afternoon we activated from the Johns Mtn Overlook. Peter KX4BE set up his absolutely tiny QRP rig. He operated CW and made 11 contacts total with 10 being CW and one SSB . See the photos of this micro rig. He packs it easily into his box on the back of his motorcycle. Allen KN4FKS made 31 SSB contacts with 11 P2P and 3 DX to Romania, Poland and Canada. Tont WA4TW came over to the overlook and worked the spot page for Allen.
The leaves were beautiful, the weather was wonderful and the bands were in great shape. A fun day.
3 viewsWe activated Cloudland Canyon State Park US-2169 from the Ascalon Trailhead location this past Thursday Oct 31 2024.
Danny AG4DW, John KB4QXI, Dan K2DTS, Allen KN4FKS and new General Dave KQ4GLQ all showed up. Allen got Dave's logging software set up for POTA, Danny had a cold so he operated digital only, John cranked out the SSB contacts on the Ham Stick and realized his new 110 v inverter was very NOISY! Dan made several contacts with his vertical and used some jumper cables to create elevated radials. Wonderful idea and they come with handy clamps to attach them to the antenna base.
We also discovered that those fancy electric bicycles come with a ton of electric motor noise. You find out these things by activating at a popular trailhead. Horses however have no electric noise but can create hazards to laying out radials.
BTW only Danny AG4DW sent me any contact information. He had 50 contacts, all FT8 Mostly on 15m but a few on 30m and 10m. He had 19 DX contacts. Austria, Belgium, Canada 2, Dominican Republic, Russia, Germany, France, Hati, Hungary, Netherlands 2, Northern Ireland, Norway, Poland, Puerto Rico, Spain 2, and Switzerland.
3 viewsWe activated the Zahnd WMA US-7903 this Thursday Nov. 7 from the site on Hwy 157 on top of the south end of Lookout Mountain. We had a busy day in a small parking lot.
Allen KN4FKS set up his end fed wire antenna over the entrance driveway, It worked like a champ. On 20 meters Allen made 108 SSB contacts, 19 Park to Parks, and 3 DX on 20 meters all in just over an hour. It was one continuous pileup. After a break he turned the mic over to Alan Painter W4PLP and he made 42 SSB contacts on 20 meters. He had 3 P2P and 1 DX contact.
Meanwhile on the other side of the parking lot Danny AG4DW made 49 FT8 contacts on 15 meters with 20 DX contacts into Canada, England, Germany, the Azores, Belgium, France, Italy3, Norway2, Romania, Sardinia, Spain, Switzerland, and Ukraine.
In another corner of the lot Dan K2DTS set up his vertical and made 12 SSB contacts on 10 meters with 6 DX into Belize, Venezuela, France, Italy, Austria, and England. In another corner of the lot John KB4QXI used his Ham Sticks to make 13 Contacts on 40 meters SSB before his battery died.
Danny AG4DW gets extra credit for fixing computer issues for both John and Allen. Dan and Allen walked across the road for a quick view off the cliffs overlooking McLemore Cove and Pigeon Mountain. It was a beautiful warm day in November. We also talked to three rock climbers from Canada and several other hikers visiting the area so we had an opportunity to talk about Ham radio to them.
3 viewsWe had a fun relaxing activation at the Chickamauga Battlefield US-0716 this Thursday Nov. 14. We started at 1 pm and caught the afternoon POTA hunter crowd.
Danny AG4DW made 28 contacts on 10 meters using his vertical antenna. He had 17 FT8 contacts and 11 SSB with DX to Canada, Northern Ireland, South Africa, and Uruguay. Allen KN4FKS used his Chameleon vertical whip with the extender section. He had a total of 38 SSB contacts. 10 on 40 meters, 24 on 20 meters, 1 on 15 meters, and 3 on Ten. Included in those totals were 23 Park to Park contacts with no DX other than Canada.
Tony WA4TW, Matt AF4MH, and Alan W4PLP stopped by to hang out and simply enjoy the day in the park. They helped with checking spots and providing adult supervision for the two operators. My bad I didn't take the first photo of this activation. However I have attached a photo of our latest line throwing gun we will use to get that long wire set in a distant tree.
3 viewsThis Thursday Nov. 21 we activated J. 'Sloppy' Floyd State Park US-2187. It was a bit chilly and at times very windy, One gust blew over Dave's antenna tripod and nearly tipped over my table. In spite of the weather we had a fun day.
John KB4QXI was the only smart one as he activated from inside his car .He made 46 contacts on 20 meters SSB with 17 Park to Park contacts in that total. The rest of us sat out in the wind. The sun was bright and the bands were good. Dave KQ4GLQ made 11 contacts on 10 meters SSB using his tripod vertical. Allen KN4FKS used his end fed wire to make 39 SSB contacts on several bands with 4 P2P contacts one to a park in Barbados. He had thirty contacts on 20 meters, six contacts on 17 meters, two on 12 meters and one on 6 meters. DX contacts were in Italy, Barbados and Canada. Danny AG4DW had 26 total contacts with 5 P2P contacts. Two SSB contacts on 6 meters, and 23 on FT8 on 15 meters. He had 7 DX contacts in Alaska, Canada, Czech Republic, Russia, Spain and Germany. By making his two contacts on 6 meters Danny qualified for the POTA "Activator N1CC" ten band activation award. He is the first of the crew to accomplish this award. Congratulations.
Dan K2DTS stayed closer to home and activated Chickamauga Battlefield US-0716 where he made 15 contacts, 14 on 20 meters and 1 on 2 meters. He used a homebrew tripod vertical with elevated radials This antenna set up shows great promise in really projecting a signal well.
This coming week Thursday is Thanksgiving so we'll not schedule a planned POTA activation. However there are lots of parks and everyone can slip away sometime this week and get in an activation.
A famous Thanksgiving activation is shown in the video link: Enjoy!
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