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14 viewsPOTA - 20021027 - What a great activation! Ham radio, picnic, friends, and sunset, nothing better.
Allen KN4FKS was on 17 meters SSB and had 36 contacts with 4P2P, and 4DX. John KB4QXI had quite a run on 40 meters with 102 contacts and 8 P2P. He was still busy when he went QRT for supper. Peter KX4BE was on 20 meters CW and had 68 contacts, 4 P2P, and 3 DX. Karen KX4KM had 31 contacts on 20 meter SSB with 8 P2P. Ed KM6UTC worked digital QRP on 30 meters and had 19 contacts with 1 P2P and 1 DX
14 viewsWe activated Johns Mtn. WMA K-3758 today from the Johns Mtn. overlook. On his way up the gravel mountain road Tony looks into the woods and sees a large black bear ambling along. Tony had 15 contacts with 7 P2P. One park to park was in Canada and another was in Italy. The bands were open and he had 7 DX contacts: Cuba, Italy, Slovenia, Guadeloupe Czech Republic, and Canada. Ed
KM6UTC showed up, set up his magnetic loop and worked digital on 20 and 30 meters.
In the meantime an Army fellow (Special Forces) showed up and set up his military radio. He was operating in military frequencies just above our 20 meter band. He was also a ham but he just played on the mil frequencies.Â
The occasional hikers came by today They stopped and were all amazed by just how far away we were communicating with our simple little rig.Â
Allen Got on 10 meters. Contacts were W1AW/7 in Arizona and the second was RW1A in Russia. The total for the day was 28 contacts with 4 P2P and 5 DX, European Russia, two in Italy, Canada, Canary Islands and Australia! Yes I nearly fell out of my chair when I heard VK4NH come back to my CQ. That was a first for our POTA contacts distance wise.Â
14 viewsWe activated Johns Mtn. WMA K-3758 today from the Johns Mtn. overlook. On his way up the gravel mountain road Tony looks into the woods and sees a large black bear ambling along. Tony had 15 contacts with 7 P2P. One park to park was in Canada and another was in Italy. The bands were open and he had 7 DX contacts: Cuba, Italy, Slovenia, Guadeloupe Czech Republic, and Canada. Ed
KM6UTC showed up, set up his magnetic loop and worked digital on 20 and 30 meters.
In the meantime an Army fellow (Special Forces) showed up and set up his military radio. He was operating in military frequencies just above our 20 meter band. He was also a ham but he just played on the mil frequencies.Â
The occasional hikers came by today They stopped and were all amazed by just how far away we were communicating with our simple little rig.Â
Allen Got on 10 meters. Contacts were W1AW/7 in Arizona and the second was RW1A in Russia. The total for the day was 28 contacts with 4 P2P and 5 DX, European Russia, two in Italy, Canada, Canary Islands and Australia! Yes I nearly fell out of my chair when I heard VK4NH come back to my CQ. That was a first for our POTA contacts distance wise.Â
14 viewsWe activated Cloudland Canyon State Park K-2169 today Thursday Jan 25 2024 from the main park site up on top of the hill at the big picnic shed. Luckily the shed roof kept us mostly dry but the mist that occurred between the rains blew through the open shelter and got everything a bit damp. Hopefully everything will dry out and still function. The terrestrial weather was ok with wet and rain but definitely warmer weather than last week. The space weather cooperated with no serious problems.
Ed KM6UTC set up his digital rig using the magnetic loop antenna and made quite a few contacts. Don't have numbers at this point. He also got Jeff N2YYP on digital as well and they had fun making contacts. Danny AG4DW set up his rig and used the vertical whip with tuned coil on 10 and 15 meters SSB. He made 17 contacts with 4 P2P and 5 DX contacts. One from the Netherlands was a park to park contact. He also contacted Italy, France and Canada. Allen KN4FKS then got on Danny's rig and made 25 contacts on 15 meters mostly with 3 P2P and 1 DX to Germany.
Then we changed operators again and Jeff N2YYP working 15 meters SSB made 23 contacts, with 6 DX contacts Spain, France and 4 Canadians. John KB4QXI worked on 40 meters through the static crashes and made 16 contacts. Fun day in the clouds at Cloudland.
POTA on!
13 viewsPOTA - with the Rambler Radio Club - 5-15-2021
13 viewsJohns Mountain WMA K-3758 4-28-2022. It was a beautiful blue sky spring day. John KB4QXI even showed up on his 3 wheel bike with a trailer hauling his ham gear. Allen KN4FKS had 25 contacts with 3 P2P and one Saskatchewan Canada DX on 20 meters before lunch. Then Tony WA4TW hopped over to 40 meters and cranked out 31 contacts with 4 P2P. After that John KB4QXI got on 40 and got 18 contacts with 3 P2P. In the mean time Peter KX4BE worked CW on both 40 and 20 and grabbed 79 contacts, 5 P2P, and 3 DX.
13 viewsPOTA - 2022-08-04 -Our POTA activation today was at J. Floyd State Park near Summerville GA. John KB4QXI made 79 contacts on 40 meters. Tony WA4TW made 27 contacts with 7 P2P on 20 meters. Peter KX4BE made 53 contacts with 1 P2P on 30 meters CW. The assistant Park Manager Hope Cates came by and was very interested in our activation and visited for a while. Her father was a ham years ago so she remembered ham radio fondly. We had to quit early today as a thunderstorm came up from the south.
13 viewsPOTA - 2022-08-18 - Today the crew activated two different parks. Peter KX4BE went North to Hiawassee Wildlife refuge TN K-7598 and had 60 contacts mostly CW 10 park to parks and 1 DX to Switzerland. The rest of the gang went to Crockford-Pigeon Mtn. WMA GA K-3742 at the South Brow road site. The bands were wonky today. Stations would go from a 5-9 signal to a 4-3 in 30 seconds then come back up. The noise floor varied from an s-2 or 3 all the way to s-8 at one point.
13 viewsPOTA - 2022-08-18 - Today the crew activated two different parks. Peter KX4BE went North to Hiawassee Wildlife refuge TN K-7598 and had 60 contacts mostly CW 10 park to parks and 1 DX to Switzerland. The rest of the gang went to Crockford-Pigeon Mtn. WMA GA K-3742 at the South Brow road site. The bands were wonky today. Stations would go from a 5-9 signal to a 4-3 in 30 seconds then come back up. The noise floor varied from an s-2 or 3 all the way to s-8 at one point.
13 viewsPOTA - 2022-09-01 - Today we went to Cohutta Wildlife Management Area K-7446 over East of Chatsworth GA. We set up two stations each using an end fed half wave wire rigged as a sloper fed from the bottom. Battery power ran the 100 watt transceivers. Peter KX4BE worked CW on 20 meters and had 42 contacts with 1 P2P and 1 DX contact. Allen KN4FKS worked SSB on 40 meters and had 34 contacts with 4 P2P. Tony got on 20 meters SSB and made 15 contacts with 6 P2P and 1 DX to Alaska. Another great day doing POTA !
13 viewsPOTA - 2022-09-01 - Today we went to Cohutta Wildlife Management Area K-7446 over East of Chatsworth GA. We set up two stations each using an end fed half wave wire rigged as a sloper fed from the bottom. Battery power ran the 100 watt transceivers. Peter KX4BE worked CW on 20 meters and had 42 contacts with 1 P2P and 1 DX contact. Allen KN4FKS worked SSB on 40 meters and had 34 contacts with 4 P2P. Tony got on 20 meters SSB and made 15 contacts with 6 P2P and 1 DX to Alaska. Another great day doing POTA !
13 viewsPOTA - 2022-09-16 - With the crew scattered to the winds this week there was still POTA activity to be done.
Allen activated Chattahoochee WMA K-7447 and Hardman Farm SP K-3718. Peter activated Fort Mtn. SP K-2176, John activated Berry College WMA K-3734 and Tony activated Pigeon Mtn. WMA K-3742.
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