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Most viewed - Parks on the Air
12 viewsDespite our fearless (underground) leader, Allen (KN4FKS), being otherwise engaged in the process of counting bats in a nearby belfry (cave), we had good attendance today as we activated K-2933, Booker T. Washington State Park, in Chattanooga. The weather was perfect, a warm sunny day. We found spots near Picnic Pavilion #2 overlooking Chickamauga Lake! The bands were up and down and otherwise kinda' funky but we managed to make some good contacts anyway!

Danny (AG4DW) had a total of 35 contacts (including 6 park-to-parks) working the 10 meter band. 9 contacts were SSB with five US contacts and three DX, including Bermuda (a park), Spain and Belgium. There were 26 digital (FT8/FT4) contacts with 12 US contacts and 14 DX, including Netherlands, Austria, Germany, Portugal, Italy, Spain and France.

Ed Dionne (KM6UTC) worked FT8/FT4 on 20 meters using his loop antenna out of the back of his car and made 84 contacts. Two of those were DX to Canada and probably a few park-to-parks but we won’t know how many until the POTA databases work that all out.

Fred Mahler (AD4FM) worked 15 meters out of his truck using hamsticks and made 18 contacts, including 2 park-to-parks and 2 DX to Spain!

Dan Strickland (K2DTS) also worked out of the back of his car but his purpose today was to work out the kinks and configuration of some new equipment and antennas! He did not activate but nonetheless made a few contacts, including one to the Dominican Republic!

KJ4AFL, Tom Hill, crashed our POTA party. Tom lives just on the other side of the lake from the park and showed up to do a solo activation. Surprise! We welcomed him into our group. Tom worked out of his car and was having to work out some issues with an antenna that wouldn’t tune properly. It wound up being a bad piece of coax cable and he was able to take a quick trip home to replace the cable and got up and running. It was fun having Tom join us!

We had at least one visitor that was curious about what we were doing and we spent some time demonstrating POTA and Ham Radio.

We certainly missed having Allen there but we managed a good outing even without proper adult supervision!
11 viewsPOTA - Johns Mountain Overlook - 12-02-2021
11 viewsPOTA - Red Clay State Historic Park - 11-19-2021
11 viewsMOTA / POTA - Crockford-Pigeon Mtn - 10-27-2021
11 viewsMOTA / POTA - Crockford-Pigeon Mtn - 10-27-2021
11 viewsPOTA - Crockford-Pigeon Mtn. at Atwood Point - 09-23-2021
11 viewsPOTA - Johns Mtn WMA - 09-10-2021
11 viewsJ. Floyd State Park K-2187 on 04-27-2022. We set up down by the dam of the lower lake. John KB4QXI worked 20 meters with a ham stick on the roof of his car and made 60 contacts, 4 P2P, 6 Canadians and Spain. Tony WA4TW went first on 40 meters using the End Fed Half Wave wire rigged as a sloper fed from the bottom. He made 60 contacts before lunch. After lunch Allen KN4FKS took over the microphone and Tony logged. Allen made 42 contacts with 2 P2P before the battery was almost gone at 7% remaining.
11 viewsPOTA - 2022-08-04 -Our POTA activation today was at J. Floyd State Park near Summerville GA. John KB4QXI made 79 contacts on 40 meters. Tony WA4TW made 27 contacts with 7 P2P on 20 meters. Peter KX4BE made 53 contacts with 1 P2P on 30 meters CW. The assistant Park Manager Hope Cates came by and was very interested in our activation and visited for a while. Her father was a ham years ago so she remembered ham radio fondly. We had to quit early today as a thunderstorm came up from the south.
11 viewsPOTA - 2022-08-04 -Our POTA activation today was at J. Floyd State Park near Summerville GA. John KB4QXI made 79 contacts on 40 meters. Tony WA4TW made 27 contacts with 7 P2P on 20 meters. Peter KX4BE made 53 contacts with 1 P2P on 30 meters CW. The assistant Park Manager Hope Cates came by and was very interested in our activation and visited for a while. Her father was a ham years ago so she remembered ham radio fondly. We had to quit early today as a thunderstorm came up from the south.
11 viewsPOTA - 2022-08-18 - Today the crew activated two different parks. Peter KX4BE went North to Hiawassee Wildlife refuge TN K-7598 and had 60 contacts mostly CW 10 park to parks and 1 DX to Switzerland. The rest of the gang went to Crockford-Pigeon Mtn. WMA GA K-3742 at the South Brow road site. The bands were wonky today. Stations would go from a 5-9 signal to a 4-3 in 30 seconds then come back up. The noise floor varied from an s-2 or 3 all the way to s-8 at one point.
11 viewsPOTA - 20221110 - We activated Harrison Bay SP Tennessee K-2951 Thursday. Tony WA4TW had 22 contacts on 20 meters with 6 P2P’s. Allen KN4FKS worked 40 meters after lunch with 32 contacts and 2 P2P’s. Ed KM6UTC worked digital on several bands and had 44 contacts with 4 P2P’s. Peter using CW on several bands had 44 contacts with 4 P2P and 8 DX contacts in Europe. Tony and Allen made one contact over a ‘long’ distance. We made contact with a ham across the lake from us on 2m and 40m.
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